Heat exchangers

Sole produce more than 70 000 stainless heat exchangers pr. year using tubes from our own mill.
Our heat exchangers can be fully customized to meet our customers requirements . For increased safety and durability we manufacture heat exchangers using continuous tubes, length up to 49 meters. Our heat exchangers are used for water heating and oil/gas applicatons. We also manufacture copper heat exchangers.

Cools off the offshore industry
How to cool off a pump engine on the bottom of the ocean? The IKM Group is a multidiscipline sub supplier to the oil and gas industry. They faced a challenge with overheating of a subsea pump engine. IKM figured a tube coil could be a potential solution.Solution
Sole was assigned to the task, and within 2 weeks we came up with a solution. With the knowledge and technology of the water heating industry in mind, we crafted a custom made tube coil. Specially designed to withstand challenging environments.Looking for other components?
Contact us
Use the form to contact us with any enquiries or ideas.
Soleveien 115
3359 Eggedal, Norway
Phone: +47 32 71 17 00
E-mail: sales@sole-as.com