This page is owned and maintained by SOLE AS, org nr 916 098 804 MVA, Soleveien 115, 3359 Eggedal, Norway and is assigned as data controller for this webpage.
Sole As tracks the traffic on anonymously. This information can by no means identify you as an individual.
Google Analytics uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. This tool gives us reports which we can analyse and use to enhance the usability of our web page.
To measure the user behaviour on the web page Google Analytics collects information by the help of Cookies. Cookies are text files that are being stored on your computer making it possible for Google Analytics to keep track of your visit. This enables us to track information such as: which browser you are using, how you found our web page and which pages you visited on
Google Analytics also collects visitors IP-address. An IP-address is a unique key that is given to everyone that is connected to the internet (some units share IP-address when they are connected to the same network). Google uses this key and cookie to keep track of the different users visiting the web page. The IP-address is anonymized after it has been collected, so that we aren’t able to track the user data back to the specific individual.
Facebook Pixel
To show you relevant ads, Facebook offers targeting for users of a web page. This is made possible by implementing a Facebook Pixel on the web page, which collects data about the users visiting the webpage. Learn more about Facebook Pixel here. has implanted this pixel and is using this statistic to target relevant ads. You can at any point opt-out of this and make sure that Facebook is not showing ads based your on your online behaviour by opting out here.
Opt-out of cookies
If you do not wish that cookies should be stored in your browser, you must actively go in and change the options for yourself. See links below for guides on how to opt-out of cookies. Please note that this may affect the behaviour of the webpage and all functions might not work as intended.